Shakertown Education

Fire Resistive Construction using Western Red Cedar Shingles

Shakertown now offers the following course, providing one HSW credit and covering various test standards, application methods, and spec writing for cedar shingles and shakes. Please email if you are interested in taking the course.
The American Institute of Architects/Continuing Education System
Course Title: "Fire Resistive Construction using Western Red Cedar Shingles"
Provider: Shakertown
Program #: Shak01
Length: 1 hour
Credits: 1 LU
HSW Credit: Yes
Learning Objectives:
- Gain an understanding of Cedar's versatility and architectural significance through the course history and product review.
- Identify four fire-resistive test standards applied to cedar roofing and siding product for current code requirements.
- Design roofing and siding systems of Western Red Cedar Shingles and Shakes that conform to code requirements for fire resistance.
- Write specifications for fire resistant assemblies to assure accurate product detail and subsequent code compliance.
Contact: Mark Rutledge,